Beware of Trustpilot reviews

Be careful with Trustpilot reviews, most companies are not verified by Trustpilot but they will delete your comments if the fraudulent company requests it. Trustpilot is not reliable, it deletes many one-star reviews that are true. Do not trust Trustpilot reviews and do your own research.


Most British cloud mining companies have closed down, defrauding their customers or demanding false taxes to recover users’ investments. Several companies have recently closed down and others are already creating alternative mining websites, which suggests that they will soon close down by defrauding users. Be wary of cloud mining.


More complaints from trustpilot users that may soon be deleted. is complicit in the scam by deleting the warning comments that many users make. are complicit in the scam.


I put a lot of money into it and lost it all. I don’t recommend the site to anyone; it’s a scam! They always claim that the mining machine broke down, and you have to cover the repair costs. Avoid it if you don’t want trouble. Do not use

My experience at

You make the crypto investment and the profits begin, be careful, they are returning your crypto little by little, you need 2 months to recover your initial investment in profits.
When you think you are going to start earning money they actually change the terms of the contract while it is still in force and when it ends you see that you cannot recover your funds or your profits and they want to force you to make a new contract, duplicating the one you had in order to rescue your initial investment and your funds.
They do not release the initial funds when the contract ends, all your investments and your profits are invalidated for not making two or more contracts, you never recover your capital investment. The contract it contains hides the information that has to be done two or more times.
Several investors tell me that they already had the contract in force when the “two or more contracts” rule was implemented.
It seems to me that they are making a serious mistake and an injustice towards users.
I have also seen them block referral funds from victims of their double contracts implemented when the contract is already made.
Referrals are people who have copied the link from any social network or platform and are not to blame for anything.
The comments on trustpilot or similar are all good, they are responsible for reporting and deleting comments that tell the truth.

They are a real SCAM, think carefully before investing in these websites.

Some screenshots of my experience

I would be extremely wary of this site

I would be extremely wary of this site. It has similar plans and features to ARKMining, which ceased all withdrawals last week and today ceased all online support.
These sites are all good .. until they are not.
People are losing everything they invested.
If you still wish to invest, I would urge caution. Withdraw all of your initial investment and only use your gains.
I hope you read this message before you have any losses.